Monday, May 29, 2017

CBD oil and cancer treatment movie produced to challenge pharmaceutical industry

A group called Bud Buddies has produced a film which investigates the relationship with CBD oil and cancer.

Bud Buddies is a non profit venture which was originally founded by Jeff Ditchfield in 2002. They set out to supply cannabis free of charge to people suffering from genuine illness, however they were forced to close down by a court order in 2007.
During their operations, Jeff and his organisation would require patients to provide a doctor’s note and were vetted on the severity of their condition before they were accepted. Even though the organisation had always operated as a not-for-profit venture that is operated out of medical necessity, however, Jeff was prosecuted in 2007 for supplying cannabis.
After a long and protracted court case, Jeff was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. However, the case was taken to the Court of Appeal in London and he was found guilty despite the jury’s previous verdict.
This effectively shut down the organisation and patients who relied on cannabis medication were forced to return to prescription pharmaceutical drugs or purchase cannabis on the black market from dealers.
After the court case was over Bud Buddies turned their focus on spreading their message and so in April 2013, they produced a film which set out to provide an educational resource by investigating both the scientific research and anecdotal evidence behind the increasing number of claims that cannabis can treat cancer.
Watch Project Storm, their film, here: 

To learn more about CBD oil: CLICK HERE

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